Friday, May 24, 2013

friday, 24

I'm sorry i missed class today. i had a doctors appointment to go to. i looked on the website to see what to do and I'll study over my notes for Tuesday!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

may 22

what happened today:

david and max were BORING! and grace and kelley acted stuff out.

this was SOOOOOOOOOOO Boring i wouldve done much better.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

may 21st

Today in class we took notes

-government system and relationships between land owners and warriors.
-warriors = knights
-pledge allegiance to landowners and they got some land for it
-fief = property
-vassal = lords "servant"
-fight when needed and apear at court once a month
That's the feudal compact

-pay homage to the lord
-homage = honor them, kneel, say an oath
-apprentices to knights learn the how to
-fief of dead man would go to his son or daughter and the lord will take care of them if underage

-clergy fought as knights sometimes

Feudal States
-Barons = lords of large areas of land that paid homage to a king
-baron's army could outnumber the king so they kept a check on the king's power

Manorial Estate
-clergy, nobility, commoners
-peasantry farmed on manors
-iron plows and water powered grinding mills, wasn't much of a harvest
-three field system, 2 = plant in spring and fall, 1 left to refertilize, rotated

-woman ran household operations
-peasants were serfs, they were bound to the land and the lord

-most towns were surrounded by walls
-suburbs were outside the walls
-towns had a main church that looked snazzy
-central marketplace
-churches had few windows
- craft guilds were in the center of town

-Free People heirarchy

Sunday, May 19, 2013

tuse, wed, fri

im sorry that i was absent tuseday wednesday and friday. im reading up on everything that i missed.

Monday, May 13, 2013

question things

What does Gospels mean?
-good news
When did Constantine rule?
What god did they sacrifice to?
Who lit the fire?
-the never found out but decided to torture Christians anyway

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

may 7/8

tuseday may 7

We reviewed the test and i actually got a 100! we also really got into Christianity in Rome. i also got a 100 on that pop quiz. we took notes on the power point

wednesday may 8

Sorry i was absent today. i wasn't feeling good. im writing that assignment though. thank you for giving me until tomorow!

Monday, May 6, 2013

monday, may 6

today in class we took a test that i was NOT prepared for but it was pretty easy and i think i actually did well. after the test we read LO-2 in our book and it was all about christianity and the jews and jesus and everything. im gonna reread it and eventually post notes on here.