Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuseday march 26th

we took more notes on the presentations and watched a bit of the Alexander the Great movie.
alot of the notes were about battles that Alexander fought and how the indians rode elephants and about the king dying

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

march 20th

Today in class we got assigned a group to work with on a powerpoint project. i thought my group was gonna be terrible but the people i got worked better that i had expected so that was good! i was doing the slides on Alexander's horse, Bucephalus. it was really neat to reed about this. i think im finished my slides.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19

Today in class we really started the introduction into the next chapter. we talked about how the greeks kept advancing even after their war with sparta. The Macedonians seem like pretty cool guys, adapting other cultures and stuff. We also started talkin about the great Alexander the Great. its kind of awesome that he was became such a great leader at such a young age and about home much he expanded. its such a shame he died so early.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18

Today in class we had to take our chapter 4 test. I found it quite easy. After the test we were to read LO-1 of the next chapter and then write about it in our blogs - so here i go.

The Hellenistic era was when the Greeks were in control of much of the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia. The term Hellenistic comes from a Greek word meaning "to behave like a Greek". Its the way Alexander ruled by allowing the cultures to mix under greek rule. The period of greek history between the death of the Macedonian king and the rule of Alexander the Great (a Macedonian).

The Peloponnese war was the climax battle between Sparta and Athens. Athens was taxing other city-states even after the persian war and that ticked people off. Those people told sparta to take Athens out and so they did. Athens was already in a naval war with Corinth, a Spartan ally and also Athens was kind of unlucky. In 430 B.C. a plague struck Athens killing thousands, including Pericles. even though they recovered, the leadership was terrible. In 413 B.C. Athens lost 2/3 of its fleet against Syracuse. With the help of persia, another ally, sparta built up a naval fleet to take out athen's now small fleet. They crushed them in 405 B.C. and athens was starved into surrender.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

To study

This is just the rest of the study guide things for the test

Homer- blind poet who composed the iliad and Odyssey and he went around  singing his stories

Odysseus-  hero in The Odyssey- trying to find his way home and kept having to face strage obstacles by the gods

Zeus- ruler of the sky and all the gods

Athena- patron god of Athens, goddess of wisdom

Pisistratus- came to Athens with a long haired, tall women he claimed to be Athena, Declared himself a king, gave common people rights to succeed

Cleisthenes- created democratic republic, people put him in charge after Isagoris

Darius the Great - king of Persia during the Persian wars, tried to conquer Greece lost the battle of marathon, people had to cover their mouths in his presence as to not taint the air

Xerxes- Darius’s son who sent two Greek expeditions to the mainland, he sought for revenge because of the straits of salamis

Pidipoties- runner in Athens, ran from Athens to sparta

Themistocles- ruled Athens, defeats Persians. not an aristocrat, was ostrisized

Pericles- aristocrat who was leader of Athens after victory over Persia, built the Parthenon Delian league,

Espeja- "high class prostitute" but she was a refined, intelligent, beautiful women "high class escort"

Aristophanes- Greek play write that specialized in comedies tragedy-Edopis

Socrates-well known Greek philosopher

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15

Today in class we reviewed the last chapter test that we took (and we got mini muffins). i got a decent score. i was happy with it.

we also cleared up some of the info on the study guide for chapter 4.

1600 – 1100 BC : the myceneans were thriving around 1600BC-1200BC. Greek barbarians were adapting and learning new things.
1200s BC : Mycenean settlements are destroyed or abandoned and they dissapear
1150 – 750 BC : dark ages
776 BC : first Olympics are taking place. Becomes HUGE part of greece
750 – 700 BC : Homer was writing books. Triremes were being built to use in the navy.
621 BC: Draco wrote really harsh harsh harsh punishments
508 BC : Sparta attacked Athens and Cleisthenes fled the city. Isagoras seizes power. There was an oligarchical government. Isagoras was forced out AND DEMOCRACY WAS EVENTUALLY FORMED!
490 - 471 BC : The Persians attack Athens
490 BC : victory at the battle of Marathon for Athens. First person invasion of Greece
480 BC : The Persian lost in a battle and lost 200 ships and they fled. Greeks one the battle of Salamus
480 – 430 BC : there were tons of battles between the greeks and the persians
461 – 429 BC: the delian league formed. The age of periclese
447 – 438 BC: the Parthenon was being built. Athens was at its height. They declared war on Sparta.
431 – 404 BC: more war against Sparta. Plague came to the city through grain boats and around 20,000 people died,  parapelesian war
399 BC: Socrates was put to trial a found guilty cause he thought that all gods should be good or not be gods at all.
336 BC: final end of Athenian democracy      

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 11th and 12th

im out of school because my depression came back again. i'll be sure to get ny notes and other assignments that we've done.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8th!!!

MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! i missed class today because i was on the art feildtrip! AMAZING BIRTHDAY!!! sad i missed part of the video :(


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monday march 4

we continues taking notes on the video we were watching

we talked more about Pisistratus and how he gave a bit more prosperity to the common ppl by loweriung taxes and offering loans

we also took notes on the vases and how potters crated their own style of painting that marks a greek vase

then Hippias took to being king in 527 when his father died
then his brother was murdered and he went crazy
he stripped away freedom

olympics started in 776 B.C.

Thurs feb 28

Today we started watching the video and taking notes
we talked about Socrates
and also about Athens life and how it was brutish and short
also about the city states

and about homer and the stories that greeks loved

we ended off with Pisistratus entering with "Athena" and becoming a kindof alright tyrant.