Tuesday, January 29, 2013

mmm Egypt Tuseday the 29th

Today in west civ we had a sub. our assignment was to read the next section in our book about Egypt. i only got a few pages in but i did learns some new things like how the Egyptians civilization was more stable then Mesopotamian civilizations. Political and sectional conflicts were less likely to split the union and there were very few foreign invaders to threaten them. the civilization was split into "two lands", lower and upper Egypt but it was unified around 3100BC. The rulers of this united civilization were called pharaohs.They were thought of as basically a god in human form. They had great power but also a great responsibility for keeping stability within the state. Stability of the state, to the Egyptians, equaled stability of everything such as the right time for the rivers to be flooding and things like that. The pharaoh had a primary wife and then many other wives. his primary wife would usually be a sister or half sister. the other wives were usually from high up families. women were quite highly looked upon in egypt. they had many of the same rights that men had such as being able to divorce their husbands. They never got in positions of power but they were well looked after and respected.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday the 22nd

Ah, another day in class. We finally got assigned seats and im so happy cause im on the right side of the room. My seat is a bit wonky though. Its basically tilted back and to the left so its really hard to sit in but for some reason i like it. Our class went over the homework about the theory of geographic luck and if the theory was correct or not. We mostly supported the theory because the land needed to be able to support growing crops -especially grains- raising livestock, and have most natural resources to be able to advance in technology. We went over the pros and cons of the agricultural revolution and also what differences were made like how being able to store food effected the population growth. We watched a youtube video by the amazing fantastic awesome John Green. The video further explained what the agricultural revolution brought along. Examples include the ability to allow trades such as tool making and pottery as jobs as well as having more gender based roles in the communities since not every single person had to go out and look for food so they could survive.

i have to remember the vocab words but i do remember that neo means new. that'll help me 

LO-1 Homework

From my little knowledge of what Guns, Germs, & Steel is, I would say that Jared Diamond WAS on track with his theory of geographic luck. The advancements of the Agricultural Revolution were based in Mesopotamia which had very good climate and geographical conditions such as rivers and grasslands and animals that were able to be domesticated which was perfect for farming and raising livestock. These resources let them focus more on making tools and growing their families and population instead of tasks such as hunting and gathering for food. These communities are the first known advanced civilizations.This is an example of how the geographic advantages helped these civilizations grow  and advance faster than other areas

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday the 18th

Today in western civ the class sat down in unassigned seats. We got our west civ books today. the girls sitting behind me were talking alot though and i was pretty annoyed. Our class also got to make new blogs such as the one im posting this too. We didnt really do much else today. I stared at mister Schick's gumby doll for a little while. i think its gonna be a good class.