Tuesday, January 22, 2013

LO-1 Homework

From my little knowledge of what Guns, Germs, & Steel is, I would say that Jared Diamond WAS on track with his theory of geographic luck. The advancements of the Agricultural Revolution were based in Mesopotamia which had very good climate and geographical conditions such as rivers and grasslands and animals that were able to be domesticated which was perfect for farming and raising livestock. These resources let them focus more on making tools and growing their families and population instead of tasks such as hunting and gathering for food. These communities are the first known advanced civilizations.This is an example of how the geographic advantages helped these civilizations grow  and advance faster than other areas

1 comment:

  1. Good start, Ali. Even without seeing GG&S, though, I would have liked to have seen a little more discussion of, say, the advantages of domesticated crops. I tend to be somewhat demanding when it somes to writing assignments. Go get 'em next time!

