Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, February 11

Today in class we started our intro into greece. I love greek things (ESPECIALLY BAKLAVA YUMMMMMMM). Mostly we ended up talking about Stonehenge and how in the world they ever got the stones on top of stones to create that megalith. Other than that, we took notes and we started making a powerpoint on google documents. I'm gonna post some important notes. wooo.

3500 BC - megalithic structures constructed
2500 BC - Indo-European nomads: Barbarians evolved
2200 BC - Minoan civilization roots in Crete
               - Greeks arrive in the south-east

Barbarians: tribal people, they eventually had contact with the east
They were organized enough to have rituals, tell stories, and build megalithes

Barbarians: warlike - warlords that grew to be kings later on
ppl moved to agean sea and they were the greeks later on

Agean sea to the east
Ionian sea to the west
Crete island to the south

Greece is mountainous
Apprx 1,400 islands
skilled sailors
poor natural recorces
difficult to unite
-small independent communities

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