Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday 29

today in class we watched the bbc movie on youtube. we learned how tiberius really tired to stand up for the people while people like octavius and the senate was really self absorbed. i love watching bbc movies/shows cause they are just always so great. it was really interesting to learn what the roman's thought on humiliation was.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Monday - Wednesday

monday the 22- we watched ppls videos and oh god the song got repetetive

tuseday the 23- i was absent. i didnt feel good. at all....

wednesday the 24- we took a test thing and i was not prepared but i think i still did well.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10

Today in class we got a treat! the famous Schick Cago came in and rapped for us. it was a whole song THAT HE WROTE THE LYRICS TOO HIMSELF about rome. we refined our notes a bit more.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9th

today in class we got our tests back I COULDVE GOTTEN 100% but i changed my mind on a question and got it wrong we went over the answers to the test and then we revised the stuff we blogged about last night.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Rome LO-1, April 8 and revised on April 9

Romans took the Greek way and improved on it in govt and warfare

two groups arrived in the latins- etruscans and greeks and latins -1st at the tiger river
Etruscans - non-indo-european immagrants who arived in italy from the east in about the 9th century BC
gained control of territory to the north of the latins - etruria
city states under kings
lots of greek and eastern influence.
some etruscan kings ruled rome for a time
rome adopted gridiron plan for cities gladiatorial combat and the masonry arch from etruscans.
adopted the alphabet from greece
farming in italy had same farming reasources as greece
not as mountains
more population

thought rome was placed there by gods - meant to rule everything

senate picked and usually made up of patricians- upper class who had noble roman blood aristocrats.
successor to the king was chosen by the senate
500BC rome overthrew etruscan rulers
TARQUIN THE PROUD- last monarch, tyrant, all his fault
Tarquins son raped a very high upstanding person. tarquin didnt punish his son, lady killed herself :everyone overthrew the king
government became the "peoples business" RES PUBLICA
republic-city state govt which was shared control by the senate and male citizens
mix of a democracy and an oligarchy
Patricians- aristocrats
Plebeians- everyone else 
after 509 BC -
Consuls- two senators who led govt an military for 1 year terms and appointed their own successors
they could veto eachother if its a bad idea
Dictator- single leader with full control, had max leader time 6 months, time of emergency
plebeians wanted power, rebelled a little
seneate needed a plan to let them share govt

lacked legal protection, writen around 450 BC
posted publiclyh

tribunes- consuls elected by the plebeians, gained power and even had enough to make laws and veto them
system of govt was widely admired

leadership of the republic still was in the senates hands

Client-provides personal services in return for money and protection from a patron
Patron-a wealthy person who supports others with money and protection in exchange for personal services
pontiff- one of the leading priests

families and clans were led by the paterfamilias - family father who had unlimited control over the household