Friday, May 24, 2013

friday, 24

I'm sorry i missed class today. i had a doctors appointment to go to. i looked on the website to see what to do and I'll study over my notes for Tuesday!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

may 22

what happened today:

david and max were BORING! and grace and kelley acted stuff out.

this was SOOOOOOOOOOO Boring i wouldve done much better.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

may 21st

Today in class we took notes

-government system and relationships between land owners and warriors.
-warriors = knights
-pledge allegiance to landowners and they got some land for it
-fief = property
-vassal = lords "servant"
-fight when needed and apear at court once a month
That's the feudal compact

-pay homage to the lord
-homage = honor them, kneel, say an oath
-apprentices to knights learn the how to
-fief of dead man would go to his son or daughter and the lord will take care of them if underage

-clergy fought as knights sometimes

Feudal States
-Barons = lords of large areas of land that paid homage to a king
-baron's army could outnumber the king so they kept a check on the king's power

Manorial Estate
-clergy, nobility, commoners
-peasantry farmed on manors
-iron plows and water powered grinding mills, wasn't much of a harvest
-three field system, 2 = plant in spring and fall, 1 left to refertilize, rotated

-woman ran household operations
-peasants were serfs, they were bound to the land and the lord

-most towns were surrounded by walls
-suburbs were outside the walls
-towns had a main church that looked snazzy
-central marketplace
-churches had few windows
- craft guilds were in the center of town

-Free People heirarchy

Sunday, May 19, 2013

tuse, wed, fri

im sorry that i was absent tuseday wednesday and friday. im reading up on everything that i missed.

Monday, May 13, 2013

question things

What does Gospels mean?
-good news
When did Constantine rule?
What god did they sacrifice to?
Who lit the fire?
-the never found out but decided to torture Christians anyway

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

may 7/8

tuseday may 7

We reviewed the test and i actually got a 100! we also really got into Christianity in Rome. i also got a 100 on that pop quiz. we took notes on the power point

wednesday may 8

Sorry i was absent today. i wasn't feeling good. im writing that assignment though. thank you for giving me until tomorow!

Monday, May 6, 2013

monday, may 6

today in class we took a test that i was NOT prepared for but it was pretty easy and i think i actually did well. after the test we read LO-2 in our book and it was all about christianity and the jews and jesus and everything. im gonna reread it and eventually post notes on here.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday 29

today in class we watched the bbc movie on youtube. we learned how tiberius really tired to stand up for the people while people like octavius and the senate was really self absorbed. i love watching bbc movies/shows cause they are just always so great. it was really interesting to learn what the roman's thought on humiliation was.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Monday - Wednesday

monday the 22- we watched ppls videos and oh god the song got repetetive

tuseday the 23- i was absent. i didnt feel good. at all....

wednesday the 24- we took a test thing and i was not prepared but i think i still did well.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10

Today in class we got a treat! the famous Schick Cago came in and rapped for us. it was a whole song THAT HE WROTE THE LYRICS TOO HIMSELF about rome. we refined our notes a bit more.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9th

today in class we got our tests back I COULDVE GOTTEN 100% but i changed my mind on a question and got it wrong we went over the answers to the test and then we revised the stuff we blogged about last night.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Rome LO-1, April 8 and revised on April 9

Romans took the Greek way and improved on it in govt and warfare

two groups arrived in the latins- etruscans and greeks and latins -1st at the tiger river
Etruscans - non-indo-european immagrants who arived in italy from the east in about the 9th century BC
gained control of territory to the north of the latins - etruria
city states under kings
lots of greek and eastern influence.
some etruscan kings ruled rome for a time
rome adopted gridiron plan for cities gladiatorial combat and the masonry arch from etruscans.
adopted the alphabet from greece
farming in italy had same farming reasources as greece
not as mountains
more population

thought rome was placed there by gods - meant to rule everything

senate picked and usually made up of patricians- upper class who had noble roman blood aristocrats.
successor to the king was chosen by the senate
500BC rome overthrew etruscan rulers
TARQUIN THE PROUD- last monarch, tyrant, all his fault
Tarquins son raped a very high upstanding person. tarquin didnt punish his son, lady killed herself :everyone overthrew the king
government became the "peoples business" RES PUBLICA
republic-city state govt which was shared control by the senate and male citizens
mix of a democracy and an oligarchy
Patricians- aristocrats
Plebeians- everyone else 
after 509 BC -
Consuls- two senators who led govt an military for 1 year terms and appointed their own successors
they could veto eachother if its a bad idea
Dictator- single leader with full control, had max leader time 6 months, time of emergency
plebeians wanted power, rebelled a little
seneate needed a plan to let them share govt

lacked legal protection, writen around 450 BC
posted publiclyh

tribunes- consuls elected by the plebeians, gained power and even had enough to make laws and veto them
system of govt was widely admired

leadership of the republic still was in the senates hands

Client-provides personal services in return for money and protection from a patron
Patron-a wealthy person who supports others with money and protection in exchange for personal services
pontiff- one of the leading priests

families and clans were led by the paterfamilias - family father who had unlimited control over the household

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuseday march 26th

we took more notes on the presentations and watched a bit of the Alexander the Great movie.
alot of the notes were about battles that Alexander fought and how the indians rode elephants and about the king dying

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

march 20th

Today in class we got assigned a group to work with on a powerpoint project. i thought my group was gonna be terrible but the people i got worked better that i had expected so that was good! i was doing the slides on Alexander's horse, Bucephalus. it was really neat to reed about this. i think im finished my slides.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19

Today in class we really started the introduction into the next chapter. we talked about how the greeks kept advancing even after their war with sparta. The Macedonians seem like pretty cool guys, adapting other cultures and stuff. We also started talkin about the great Alexander the Great. its kind of awesome that he was became such a great leader at such a young age and about home much he expanded. its such a shame he died so early.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18

Today in class we had to take our chapter 4 test. I found it quite easy. After the test we were to read LO-1 of the next chapter and then write about it in our blogs - so here i go.

The Hellenistic era was when the Greeks were in control of much of the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia. The term Hellenistic comes from a Greek word meaning "to behave like a Greek". Its the way Alexander ruled by allowing the cultures to mix under greek rule. The period of greek history between the death of the Macedonian king and the rule of Alexander the Great (a Macedonian).

The Peloponnese war was the climax battle between Sparta and Athens. Athens was taxing other city-states even after the persian war and that ticked people off. Those people told sparta to take Athens out and so they did. Athens was already in a naval war with Corinth, a Spartan ally and also Athens was kind of unlucky. In 430 B.C. a plague struck Athens killing thousands, including Pericles. even though they recovered, the leadership was terrible. In 413 B.C. Athens lost 2/3 of its fleet against Syracuse. With the help of persia, another ally, sparta built up a naval fleet to take out athen's now small fleet. They crushed them in 405 B.C. and athens was starved into surrender.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

To study

This is just the rest of the study guide things for the test

Homer- blind poet who composed the iliad and Odyssey and he went around  singing his stories

Odysseus-  hero in The Odyssey- trying to find his way home and kept having to face strage obstacles by the gods

Zeus- ruler of the sky and all the gods

Athena- patron god of Athens, goddess of wisdom

Pisistratus- came to Athens with a long haired, tall women he claimed to be Athena, Declared himself a king, gave common people rights to succeed

Cleisthenes- created democratic republic, people put him in charge after Isagoris

Darius the Great - king of Persia during the Persian wars, tried to conquer Greece lost the battle of marathon, people had to cover their mouths in his presence as to not taint the air

Xerxes- Darius’s son who sent two Greek expeditions to the mainland, he sought for revenge because of the straits of salamis

Pidipoties- runner in Athens, ran from Athens to sparta

Themistocles- ruled Athens, defeats Persians. not an aristocrat, was ostrisized

Pericles- aristocrat who was leader of Athens after victory over Persia, built the Parthenon Delian league,

Espeja- "high class prostitute" but she was a refined, intelligent, beautiful women "high class escort"

Aristophanes- Greek play write that specialized in comedies tragedy-Edopis

Socrates-well known Greek philosopher

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15

Today in class we reviewed the last chapter test that we took (and we got mini muffins). i got a decent score. i was happy with it.

we also cleared up some of the info on the study guide for chapter 4.

1600 – 1100 BC : the myceneans were thriving around 1600BC-1200BC. Greek barbarians were adapting and learning new things.
1200s BC : Mycenean settlements are destroyed or abandoned and they dissapear
1150 – 750 BC : dark ages
776 BC : first Olympics are taking place. Becomes HUGE part of greece
750 – 700 BC : Homer was writing books. Triremes were being built to use in the navy.
621 BC: Draco wrote really harsh harsh harsh punishments
508 BC : Sparta attacked Athens and Cleisthenes fled the city. Isagoras seizes power. There was an oligarchical government. Isagoras was forced out AND DEMOCRACY WAS EVENTUALLY FORMED!
490 - 471 BC : The Persians attack Athens
490 BC : victory at the battle of Marathon for Athens. First person invasion of Greece
480 BC : The Persian lost in a battle and lost 200 ships and they fled. Greeks one the battle of Salamus
480 – 430 BC : there were tons of battles between the greeks and the persians
461 – 429 BC: the delian league formed. The age of periclese
447 – 438 BC: the Parthenon was being built. Athens was at its height. They declared war on Sparta.
431 – 404 BC: more war against Sparta. Plague came to the city through grain boats and around 20,000 people died,  parapelesian war
399 BC: Socrates was put to trial a found guilty cause he thought that all gods should be good or not be gods at all.
336 BC: final end of Athenian democracy      

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 11th and 12th

im out of school because my depression came back again. i'll be sure to get ny notes and other assignments that we've done.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8th!!!

MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! i missed class today because i was on the art feildtrip! AMAZING BIRTHDAY!!! sad i missed part of the video :(


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monday march 4

we continues taking notes on the video we were watching

we talked more about Pisistratus and how he gave a bit more prosperity to the common ppl by loweriung taxes and offering loans

we also took notes on the vases and how potters crated their own style of painting that marks a greek vase

then Hippias took to being king in 527 when his father died
then his brother was murdered and he went crazy
he stripped away freedom

olympics started in 776 B.C.

Thurs feb 28

Today we started watching the video and taking notes
we talked about Socrates
and also about Athens life and how it was brutish and short
also about the city states

and about homer and the stories that greeks loved

we ended off with Pisistratus entering with "Athena" and becoming a kindof alright tyrant.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

feb 26

today while tona made up the test since she was absent yesterday, the rest of the class had to fill out the chapter 4 study guide worksheet. its really not that hard at all and i dont understand why some people were fussing. i really like this unit.

Feb 25

we had a test today. thankfully it was open book. we also had a substitute teacher. some of the questions i didnt know because since i was sick all last week i think i missed some important information.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

ooooo feb 21

im still sick

still stuck in bed

i miss school

ill be back monday

sorry im missing class 



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Feb 20

I'm absent today because the doctor said i have sinus infection. i will not be in school tomorrow either because the doctor told me to rest.

sorry im not there!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feb 19

Today im absent from school because i am home sick with some bug that ive had the entire weekend

im going to use this time wisely and make up my assignments in all my classes.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Feb 14

On friday we were told that we had to work on LO-3 of our powerpoint. i chose to do Athens WOOOO! I really love Greece but I've never actually had a chance to learn about it except their gods. this group power point is really fun and im learning a lot. we also got our tests back on friday AND YAY I WAS ONE OF THE FEW TO GET AN A!!! SO PROUD! HAHAHA!

Feb 13

On Wednesday we had a sub and and she told us that we had to do LO-2 of our power point to wich we all said "UHHHHG" cause we thought we were done. the class talked a whole lot until the last 15 minutes when we actually got stuff done. I really like these powerpoints cause they are fun.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday, Feb 12

I was absent again today. I think i caught some sort of stomach bug because i was sick all this morning.

I'm sorry i missed class.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Jan 25

I was still missing school because of the weird medication i was on was making me sick.

It seems on this particular day we finished the powerpoint on Mesopotamia and assessed what we knew about prehistory

our homework was to read LO-3

Jan 23rd

On jan 23rd i was absent from class because my meds made me sick but so yeah

it looks like we rewatched the john green video and disscussed LO-1 some more in class. Our HW was to read part of LO-2. we were heading into our Mesopotamiah studies :D

Monday, February 11

Today in class we started our intro into greece. I love greek things (ESPECIALLY BAKLAVA YUMMMMMMM). Mostly we ended up talking about Stonehenge and how in the world they ever got the stones on top of stones to create that megalith. Other than that, we took notes and we started making a powerpoint on google documents. I'm gonna post some important notes. wooo.

3500 BC - megalithic structures constructed
2500 BC - Indo-European nomads: Barbarians evolved
2200 BC - Minoan civilization roots in Crete
               - Greeks arrive in the south-east

Barbarians: tribal people, they eventually had contact with the east
They were organized enough to have rituals, tell stories, and build megalithes

Barbarians: warlike - warlords that grew to be kings later on
ppl moved to agean sea and they were the greeks later on

Agean sea to the east
Ionian sea to the west
Crete island to the south

Greece is mountainous
Apprx 1,400 islands
skilled sailors
poor natural recorces
difficult to unite
-small independent communities

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Aboutr the test

i just woke up and i forgot to write this blog entry so yeah...
about the test...

i thought it was a really good test. i remembered some of the questions cause they were on the quizz so that was cool. i think i did pretty welll on the essay part even though i half-assed the ending paragraph cause it ended up being a sentence. i was happy with that test. yeah. wooo.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Today in class we took a lot of notes to prepare us for friday's test. since thats what we did im basically just gonna put some notes in my post:

ranks bottom to top

slaves-helped in wealthy households
Artisans- carved statues and reliefs
Scribes- kept records with ink and papyrus(Nile reed paper)
Soldiers- used wooden weapons with bronze tips, chariots
Upper class- "white kilt class", engineers, priests, physicians
Pharaoh- religious and political leader, made laws, owned all land, "lord of two lands", 'high priest of every temple'

they invented sail boats
they had a 365 day calendar
temple of Amon at Karnak is biggest religious building.
scrolls were like books
they had plows and domesticated animals - especially cats: large cats like cheetahs
barter system before coins

best known lady pharaohs were Hatshepsut and Cleopatra VII

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday, February 5th

Today in class we got to play a game. This game's goal was to build a pyramid. The king got angry a lot and fired you. you had to pick food (onions bread and fish id what i picked) and recreation (board games, free time, more beer, gangs? and gold and stuff) and also pray to the god Seshet : goddess of writing and measurement. you had to build on the west side of the river so the pharaoh could go to the afterlife. i built on the plateau (NOT THE DESERT) at a 52% slope using limestone. You also needed to pick what kinds of workers you wanted to build. *(there were no slaves, farmers were the majority of the group with about a quater of the workers being craftsmen to cut and shape the stone. overseers took up only a smalllll percent. the most difficult thing was the river game where u had to make it from one place to the other to carry supplies. THERE WAS A FINISH THE GAME BUTTON THOUGH THAT WAS VERY HELPFUL BUT NO ONE KNEW ABOUT IT. if you got everything right and the didn't fire you then you won the game and the pyramid gets built

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

mmm Egypt Tuseday the 29th

Today in west civ we had a sub. our assignment was to read the next section in our book about Egypt. i only got a few pages in but i did learns some new things like how the Egyptians civilization was more stable then Mesopotamian civilizations. Political and sectional conflicts were less likely to split the union and there were very few foreign invaders to threaten them. the civilization was split into "two lands", lower and upper Egypt but it was unified around 3100BC. The rulers of this united civilization were called pharaohs.They were thought of as basically a god in human form. They had great power but also a great responsibility for keeping stability within the state. Stability of the state, to the Egyptians, equaled stability of everything such as the right time for the rivers to be flooding and things like that. The pharaoh had a primary wife and then many other wives. his primary wife would usually be a sister or half sister. the other wives were usually from high up families. women were quite highly looked upon in egypt. they had many of the same rights that men had such as being able to divorce their husbands. They never got in positions of power but they were well looked after and respected.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday the 22nd

Ah, another day in class. We finally got assigned seats and im so happy cause im on the right side of the room. My seat is a bit wonky though. Its basically tilted back and to the left so its really hard to sit in but for some reason i like it. Our class went over the homework about the theory of geographic luck and if the theory was correct or not. We mostly supported the theory because the land needed to be able to support growing crops -especially grains- raising livestock, and have most natural resources to be able to advance in technology. We went over the pros and cons of the agricultural revolution and also what differences were made like how being able to store food effected the population growth. We watched a youtube video by the amazing fantastic awesome John Green. The video further explained what the agricultural revolution brought along. Examples include the ability to allow trades such as tool making and pottery as jobs as well as having more gender based roles in the communities since not every single person had to go out and look for food so they could survive.

i have to remember the vocab words but i do remember that neo means new. that'll help me 

LO-1 Homework

From my little knowledge of what Guns, Germs, & Steel is, I would say that Jared Diamond WAS on track with his theory of geographic luck. The advancements of the Agricultural Revolution were based in Mesopotamia which had very good climate and geographical conditions such as rivers and grasslands and animals that were able to be domesticated which was perfect for farming and raising livestock. These resources let them focus more on making tools and growing their families and population instead of tasks such as hunting and gathering for food. These communities are the first known advanced civilizations.This is an example of how the geographic advantages helped these civilizations grow  and advance faster than other areas

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday the 18th

Today in western civ the class sat down in unassigned seats. We got our west civ books today. the girls sitting behind me were talking alot though and i was pretty annoyed. Our class also got to make new blogs such as the one im posting this too. We didnt really do much else today. I stared at mister Schick's gumby doll for a little while. i think its gonna be a good class.